The Malaysian Grand Prix – Part 2: The Fall Out (one week on…)

And so to the train wreck aftermath after the massively eventful Malaysian Grand Prix of 2013 (blogged about in Part 1: The Race). Even before Mark Webber made his thunderous entrance into the Green Room (where the drivers get shunted off to glug water and make small-talk before the podium celebrations*) you could feel the…

The Malaysian Grand Prix – Part 2: The Fall Out (one week on…)

Vettel – number 1 at all costs? And so to the train wreck aftermath after the massively eventful Malaysian Grand Prix of 2013 (blogged about in Part 1: The Race). Even before Mark Webber made his thunderous entrance into the Green Room (where the drivers get shunted off to glug water and make small-talk before…

The Malaysian Grand Prix – Part 1: The Race

Cover me I’m going in. Ok I’ve been thinking all morning how best to blog about this race. As races go it was pretty action-packed but the big stand-out talking point was the imposition of team orders by Red Bull and Mercedes that in one case were dutifully (if begrudgingly) adhered to and in the…

The Malaysian Grand Prix – Part 1: The Race

#Awkward Cover me I’m going in. Ok I’ve been thinking all morning how best to blog about this race. As races go it was pretty action-packed but the big stand-out talking point was the imposition of team orders by Red Bull and Mercedes that in one case were dutifully (if begrudgingly) adhered to and in…

Australian GP – The Race

The morning after. At least I think its Monday. As much as I’m ecstatic that the new season is underway, it has been a somewhat confusing and sleep deprived weekend. I watched qualifying over lunchtime on Saturday, then some more qualifying in the early hours of Sunday morning and then the race over a number…

Australian GP – The Race

The Class of 2013 The morning after. At least I think its Monday. As much as I’m ecstatic that the new season is underway, it has been a somewhat confusing and sleep deprived weekend. I watched qualifying over lunchtime on Saturday, then some more qualifying in the early hours of Sunday morning and then the…

Australian GP – Qualifying Predictions!

Time to just sneak in some predictions for tomorrow’s first qualifying of the season which is just under SEVEN HOURS AWAY. Bound to be almost entirely wrong but they will give everyone (ie. people called Rich) a good laugh! So starting with the banker of Giedo van der Garde in last spot, lets see if…

Australian GP – Qualifying Predictions!

Time to just sneak in some predictions for tomorrow’s first qualifying of the season which is just under SEVEN HOURS AWAY. Bound to be almost entirely wrong but they will give everyone (ie. people called Rich) a good laugh! So starting with the banker of Giedo van der Garde in last spot, lets see if…

Australian Grand Prix – Season Preview

It only feels like yesterday that we watched the epic dénouement to the 2012 season that was the dramatic and enthralling Brazilian Grand Prix. Spell-binding races like that do not come along every week and it was totally fitting that it was Interlagos where the curtain fell on an incredible season. Also I’m not sure…

Australian Grand Prix – Season Preview

Under 4 days to go and counting It only feels like yesterday that we watched the epic dénouement to the 2012 season that was the dramatic and enthralling Brazilian Grand Prix. Spell-binding races like that do not come along every week and it was totally fitting that it was Interlagos where the curtain fell on…